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Sep 23, 2018

Loving Anger

Passage: James 1:19-27

Speaker: Brian Land

Series: James

Category: Grace Brevard

Keywords: beliefs, mission, others, works

Be doers of the Word. We do what we (actually) believe. The old phrase “You are what you do” is false. Rather “We do what we Are.” Knowing that God’s “implanted word” (the Word of God (Jesus) as well as the word of God (scripture)) has transformed our very identity, and we are invited to dwell upon this Word and our new identities, resulting in us living out of our Gospel Identity. But we all constantly forget that we’ve been changed; forget that we are children of God; forget that we are the new royalty adopted by the Love of God in order to Love others through our new selves.

order of Worship

Call To Worship: Psalm 69:30-36

Songs: Forever, Cornerstone, No Longer Slaves, Justice Will Roll Down, Sons & Daughters

Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34

Sermon Title: Loving Anger

Missional Living: International Justice Mission

Benediction: 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24


9.23.18 Album

Discussion Questions:

1) What makes you angry?

   What does anger look like in you?

   Think about a time your anger hurt rather than helped?

2) There’s a lot more about “faith and works” in chapter 2, but for now think about this:

  1.    a) Why is there a gap between hearing and doing?
  2.    b) Unpack the mirror illustration James uses.
  3.    c) How does this hear/do gap impact your anger?

3) In vs. 21 there’s a spiritual swap being offered:

  1.    a) What is “filthiness and rampant wickedness”?

   - How is arrogance the root of these things?

  1.    b) Define and describe “meekness”
  2.    c) The “implanted word” is 1) Jesus and 2) Scripture

   How are these “implanted”?

   What does that word imply?

4) Do you normally see the “LAW” as freeing?

  1.    a) HOW can it be freeing?
  2.    b) What are we being “freed” FROM?
  3.    c) What are we being “freed” FOR?
  4.    d) How is loving widows and orphans a healthy and meek  outcome of “righteous anger”?
  5.    e) What did God do when he had Righteous Anger regarding our rebellion (in and to Jesus on the cross)?

   ..and how can this empower us toward and “angry love”?