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Nov 01, 2020

Kingdom Courtroom #2 - Our Conquered Enemy

Passage: Daniel 8:1-27

Speaker: Brian Land

Series: Daniel

Category: Grace Brevard

Keywords: freedom, suffering, pain, fear, spiritual warfare

Chapters 7-12 walk us through 4 dramatic visions (dreams) of Daniel, which involve specific prophecies of real rulers and real kingdoms, yet for the sake of all believers at all times, unveils a macro-hope of God as our glorious Judge-King who not only sets up all other and spiritual principalities and will in due time conquer these treasonous kings and institute his eternal, benevolent and unconquerable kingdom. Chapter 8 reveals some lying, murderous and slanderous human agents of destruction that are fighting in the midst of a spiritual war. Despite all appearances, God himself will in due time depose all human rulers as well as all spiritual enemies as He is enthroned over all and for all times.

11.01.20 GBV Online Service from Grace Brevard on Vimeo.

Discussion Questions

(click HERE for printable questions)

(This includes Daniel 7:23-27)

This is Vision # 2 of 4 for Daniel and it centers around the human kings that are to come, which are shadows and echoes of the chief enemy we battle everyday.

Know Thy Enemy

Look through this passage and pull out the different ways that this Enemy-King (Satan, which means “The Deceiver”) is described.

23b (a bold king’s) power shall be great—but not by his own power; and he shall cause fearful destruction and shall succeed in what he does, and destroy mighty men and the people who are the saints. 25 By his cunning he shall make deceit prosper under his hand, and in his own mind he shall become great. Without warning he shall destroy many. And he shall even rise up against the Prince of princes.
(can also look at Daniel 7:22-25)


“Gabriel, make this man understand the vision.”

It was essential that Daniel “understand” what he was seeing.

What do you think he was supposed to understand?

What is the difference between knowing and understanding?

What MUST we “understand” about human rulers and

...about spiritual rulers and kingdoms?

Why is it essential for us to understand this?

Conviction & The Death Penalty
25b And he shall even rise up against the Prince of princes, and he shall be broken—but by no human hand.
(also read Daniel 7:26-27)

Daniel is told that a terrible and bloody battle is on the horizon culminating in The Final War led by the devil. In the end, despite what it feels like and seems, we are given several End-Times promises of what will happen. Name several of those and what they mean to you (i.e. what will happen to the enemy, to God, to His Kingdom, to believers...)

How does this all find it’s resolution in Christ the King?

How does the Cross figure into the defeat of our enemy?

Spend some time talking about Revelation 12:9-11

Battle Plans
Even though Daniel heard the good news, he was till having a different version of PTSD -- instead of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, he was having Pre-Traumatic Stress.

What are the different reactions Daniel has to all of this?
Why does all of this literally make Daniel sick?
How does speak into how we respond to darkness?

How can we respond in healthy ways to the fear and anguish of the earthly rulers in our lives?

How can we respond to dark spiritual rulers?

Presidents and Plans
How does this speak deep hope into this presidential election?

What does it say about all human rulers?

How should we respond to the inevitable anger, division and conflict we will see this week?