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Oct 25, 2020

Kingdom Courtroom #1 - Our Conquering Judge

Passage: Daniel 7:1-28

Speaker: Brian Land

Series: Daniel

Category: Grace Brevard

Keywords: king, judge, warfare, conqueror,  , glorious god

Chapters 7-12 walk us through 4 dramatic visions (dreams) of Daniel, which involve specific prophecies of real rulers and real kingdoms, yet for the sake of all believers at all times, unveils a macro-hope of God as our glorious Judge-King who not only sets up all other and spiritual principalities and will in due time conquer these treasonous kings and institute his eternal, benevolent and unconquerable kingdom. Chapter 7 is Season 2: Episode 1 (of 4) where we will primarily focus on the Kingdom Courtroom and the conquering glory of our Eternal Judge. (to get ready for the next three sermons: Chapter 7 - Kingdom Courtroom: Our Conquering Judge Chapter 8 - Kingdom Courtroom: The Conquered Enemies Chapter 9 - Kingdom Courtroom: Our Defense Tactic (Prayer) Chapters 10-11 - Kingdom Courtroom: Awaiting the Verdict (Peace in the “not yet”)

Grace Brevard Worship Service 10/25/2020 a from Grace Brevard on Vimeo.

Order of Worship



  • Hope Conference on Nov 14th
  • ArtMarket

PRELUDE: GBV Montage - Courtrooms

CALL TO WORSHIP: Hebrews 10:19-23


  • A Mighty Fortress
  • O Great God
  • Mighty to Save

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (from The Service for the Lord’s Day)

ALL:  O Merciful God, we confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart, mind, and strength. And have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.

In your great mercy, forgive us, renew us, compel us and lead us,

That we may delight in your will walk in your ways; find joy in your Word. Through the finished work of Christ. Amen

MESSAGE TITLE: Kingdom Courtroom #1: Our Conquering Judge

CENTRAL TEXT:   Daniel 7 (excerpts)

RESPONSE: Communion

BENEDICTION: Colossians 1:11-14


  • Romans 5:17 
  • Hebrews 2:9
  • Revelation 20:6
  • Daniel 2:35
  • Revelation 17:12
  • Mat 16:18
  • Revelation 4:6
  • Revelation 11:15
  • Revelation 12
  • Psalm 50:3-4
  • Colossians 3:1-4


10.25.20 Album

Discussion Question:

(Click HERE for printable DISCUSSION Questions)

Daniel 7 is #1 or 4 extremely imaginative dreams of Daniel that God uses to creatively reveal the future of God’s people and the world...both for his specific community as well as for all people at all times.

Over the next 4 weeks we will walk through these visions/dreams using the thread-motif of a trial.

# 1) Chap 7 - The Conquering Judge
# 2) Chap 8 - The Conquered Enemy
# 3) Chap 9 - Our Guilty Plea
# 4) Chap 10-12 - The Final Verdicts

In Chapter 7 we see through fanciful visions the enemy. We’ll spend more time on these next week, but for now see the big pictures (don’t try to go into the micro-details of what each beast looks like and why).

Explain why evil, suffering and “our enemy” are well represented by:

1) The Sea:
Biblically the “Sea” represented the mysterious place of fear, danger and death.

2) The Four Winds:
Evil and our enemy comes from everywhere...all sides.

3) Horns
Horns represented kings (or powerful people)

4) Time, Times and Half a Time (and “season and a time”):
What is the duration of suffering and evil in our lives?

This Enemy is walked into the pure and perfect court of God, the pure and perfectly just Eternal Judge:

1) The Ancient of Days
Read through 7:9-10
What parts of the descriptions stick out to you?

How does it help you see and understand God’s identity?

How is God THE Judge?
How does God as Judge make you feel?

The “Ancient of Days” is a different way to explain God’s True Name: “The Great I Am” -- the One Who Is, Was and Will Be (see Isaiah 44:6 and Rev 1:8 (Alpha & Omega)). What does this mean to you?

How is this in hope-filled and stark contrast to the limited (though painful) reign of The Enemy?

Explain the members of the courtroom.

2) The Son of Man
In short, The “Son of Man” is the “Perfect Adam”-- the Ultimate Man that is sinless and perfectly loving and just. Clearly this is a Christophany...a pre-born Jesus.

Read through 7:13-14.

How is He described?

The very things that the Enemy is trying to steal is ultimately granted to the Son of Man.

3) The Saints of the Most High (all believers)
Read Romans 5:17 and Hebrews 2:9 which describe us?
What do they do?
What do they get? (Matthew 5:3)
WHY do they (we) get it? (Rev 20:6)