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Sep 11, 2022

John - Timing and Power

Passage: John 11:1-44

Speaker: Brian Land

Series: John: Come and See

Category: Grace Brevard

Keywords: resurrection, hope, life, pain, death, crying, sadness

In this broken world surrounded by broken people we often find ourselves in a dark pit wondering if God is able to help, or if he even wants to. Jesus joins us in this darkness, weeps with us, and brings surprising life that lasts. Often not in the ways or the time frames that we want, but somehow, mysteriously, in the way that is ultimately best.

In this broken world surrounded by broken people we often find ourselves in a dark pit wondering if God is able to help, or if he even wants to. Jesus joins us in this darkness, weeps with us, and brings surprising life that lasts. Often not in the ways or the time frames that we want, but somehow, mysteriously, in the way that is ultimately best.