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Mar 13, 2022

John - Chaos to Calm (Chapter 1 review)

Passage: John 1:1-5

Speaker: Brian Land

Series: John: Come and See

Category: Grace Brevard

The Lord created all things to be lovingly unified, but sin has ripped all of creation apart, separating us from God, one another and even ourselves. God has spent the rest of human history breaching the gap and re-uniting us with him and each other, finalizing in the person of Christ who bridged Heaven and Earth to bring us back together in shalom.

The Lord created all things to be lovingly unified, but sin has ripped all of creation apart, separating us from God, one another and even ourselves. God has spent the rest of human history breaching the gap and re-uniting us with him and each other, finalizing in the person of Christ who bridged Heaven and Earth to bring us back together in shalom.