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Oct 08, 2023

Hebrews: Unashamed Brother

Passage: Hebrews 2:10-18

Speaker: Brian Land

Series: Hebrews: Fulfilled in Christ

Category: Grace Brevard

Keywords: jesus, humanity, shame, divinity

I think we all have a Jesus-pendulum that swings from: 1) Jesus being infinitely above, beyond, holy and glorious to 2) Jesus being a man that is intimately close and affectionate. But what if he isn't one or the other...OR even 50/50? What if Jesus is 100% both of these? Our minds and hearts have no true category for this kind of Jesus, and yet that's exactly the Jesus we have. So let's come together and learn about this 200% Jesus, and what it means for him to be fully Transcendent while also being absolutely Immanent.

Videos used in this message are from the "He Gets Us" campaign. Here are the specific ones we used:


Discussion Questions

  • Talk about a time you felt really alone. What about a time you felt misunderstood? Why?
  • Do you see Jesus as more “Up there, holy, awesome” or “Down here and personal”?
  • Talk about how shocking it was for these people when the Infinite God became human.
  • Is there a tendency to see Jesus as “God Wearing Skin” or “A Super Godly Human”
    • (...that Jesus is either mostly God, or mostly Human)
      • What’s the problem with this view?
  • How and Why is Jesus fully 200%? 100% God AND 100% Human? -- and not 50/50?
  • Talk about these two impacts of Jesus being fully Human:
    • His sacrifice can be counted for us (because animal sacrifices couldn’t)
    • He truly understands us.
  • What’s the impact of Jesus saying he’s unashamed to call us brothers...we are truly in his family?
  • Have you ever felt like God was ashamed of you? Why?
    • How/Why does this passage assure us that, in Christ, God is pleased with us?
  • What real-life impact could this passage have?